AmLaw 100 Firms with KM Programs
I'm passing along Lisa's email below, with permission:
These are obviously rough percentages, but still, a good sign that things are headed in the right direction. Thanks Lisa!Some of you know that I recently attempted to reach the AmLaw 100 to find out what percent of them have formal KM programs. I offered to share the final numbers without revealing any firm-specific information - the numbers are below. The higher of the two numbers represents the percent if all of the 9 firms that I didn't hear from, said they DO have a KM Program.
- AmLaw 50 = 78% - 84%
- AmLaw 100 = 66% - 73%
This survey was based on my own personal definition of what a formal KM program is and would probably vary based on your own definition. For my purposes, I defined a firm as having a formal KM program if they met any of the following conditions:
- the firm has a Chief Knowledge Officer, a Director of KM (or similar) position
- the firm has a KM department or people with KM in their title
- the firm has a KM budget
- the firm has at least one attorney spending 50% of his/her time on KM activities