Gerry Riskin's Seven Immutable Laws of Change Management
Nice work Mr. Riskin! :-)
Points of interest to the West Coast Law Librarian. Highlighted sources on KM, Web Development, and Law Library Management. ... And hey, if it's got a Vancouver perspective, that'll work too. :-)
"In Quebec, there is a tight little media world and any lawyer who attracts attention can easily and quickly get invited to all the major TV and radio studios, most of which are located within a 10-15 minute taxi ride of each other in Montreal (with perhaps a handful in Quebec City), and become known as an authority on an issue. They might even give you your own newspaper column or ask you to guest host a show segment (civil libertarian Julius Grey seems to be on Marie-France Bazzo's morning show Indicatif Présent on Radio-Canada almost every other week). Who needs blawgs?Michel-Adrien's points seem valid, but I hope this doesn't stop potential francophone law bloggers from getting started. The value of blogging, from a marketing perspective, is the same regardless of language or media accessibility. And unlike a radio or TV interview, blog posts don't give you a profile spike once and then go away. A quality professional blog can become a body of work that will continue to demonstrate your expertise over a career. Building one's 'online profile' is fast becoming an essential marketing tool, and those without one are - simply put - invisible online.
That might be very pre-Web2.0 but that would be my theory."