No More "When" for QR Codes. Now "IF"
The technology costs little to utilize, so there's still room to experiment (at least with the right tech-savvy audience), but law firms are right to be wary about their use in important campaigns.
Here are a couple strikes against to consider:
- Apple isn't building a QR reader application natively into iOS. This means a good portion of smartphone and tablet owners must somehow be inspired to install a reader.
- More often than not, QR codes duplicate information or actions that are already available without using this particular technology. It takes no longer to type a URL into one's phone than it does to capture one of these indie-Rorschach tests.
- From this Mashable piece: "less than 5% of the American public has scanned a QR code."
Now, factor in the Canadian-lag on technology, and ask the question: Is adoption where it needs to be to build a QR code into your campaign?
I could be wrong, but it really doesn't look like QR codes will go mainstream in North America.
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