Thursday, September 04, 2008

5 Blogs & 5 Blawgers

Was tagged in by Simon Fodden... When it comes to memes I probably feel the same as most bloggers: a big time waster, but kind of fun. So ok... I'm in.

Here's the gist: name 5 great non-law blogs, and then propagate the ponzi link scheme meme by tagging 5 other law blogs. Here's what I've got for my non-law list, with a short note on why I read them:
  • RexBlog - Rex Hammock is a web strategist, and a long-time web guy. I grabbed his feed after recognizing him from his early days, which has since been turned into a wiki. Rex is very even handed when it comes to web trends, and as I've said here in the past, I'm not a black and white kind of guy. I like shades of grey. Rex reminds me not to get too excited or too negative. A healthy perspective.
  • TPwireservice - TP, as in Tom Peters the business author. The service, not Tom likely, provides daily roundups of links to vetted business content. I read it because it points me in new directions, and because I like services where others do the sifting for me. (Kinda like we Librarians!)
  • Dave Weinberger - I started reading Dave Weinberger because of Cluetrain, but these days, it's more for the nuggets about information behaviour and blogging style. Dave's a consistent blogger who leaves his personal print on everything he writes. A good example of how blunt, unappologetic, and (sometimes) funny works for blog commentary.
  • Phil Bradley - Phil is a prolific writer & blogging librarian; almost always on topics I have an interest in - search engine trends, web content & design, and of course Libraries. You can get Phil's published content in numerous places, but I like the added personal touches on his blog.
  • D'Arcy Norman dot net - D'Arcy uses many of the same interweb tools I do, but in the education space rather than the legal industry. I read for the new directions, and for his perspective on common challenges - eg. transitioning from techie code perspective to big picture thinking.
And for relay, I'm pointing to:



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