Canadian Law Student Blogs - The List!
Thanks, Steve
Curiosity has me over how many Canadian law students are out there blogging. So I emailed the owner of the best one I know - Queen's Law Life. Between the two of us, we were able to come up with the following list. Am I missing any Canadian law student blawgs? Email me.
Canadian Law Student Blogs
- Queens Law Life
- Cup of tea? Charter rights?
(added 10/13/06) - Canons of Destruction
(added 07/21/06) - The Blog of a Bay Street Articling Student
(added 05/30/06) - Law, Eh? Law School in Canada
(added 01/10/06) - Brink Review - glancing sideways at the superstructure
- Canadian Law Student Blog
- One..L..ove
- Advocatus Diaboli
- Violin Law
- Headless Drummer
- we will always be a light
- the grass is always greener
- Ali Writes...
- The Distillery
- Just another law student
- Thinking Out Loud
- Modern Life is Rubbish
- Less is more (more or less)
- sliced bread #2
- the new step (is where the wild things are)
- The Scapegoat
- Lawyerlike (added 11/25/05)
* Updated Jan. 10/06 - List is getting bigger! .... Also, I'm not advocating any of these. Think of what you would have blogged about when you were 23! =8->
Thanks, Steve. I've been trying to figure that out also. Mind you, as soon as they graduate, are they still considered law student blogs? Case in point, Jason Cherniak's blog, "Cherniak on Politics" - Jason is currently articling. And I don't know that he really talks about law school.
Good point. I think I'll stick to those that mention law school, or have previously blogged about the law school experience. If a new or prospective student can glean something from it, I'll add it to the list.
The list is growing! Thanks--this is useful.
Good idea Steve! Perhaps the added exposure may give some blog-inclined law students the nudge they need to start up.
Great list, thanks for compiling this. I'm starting at OttawaU next year and am certainly blog-inclined as the above poster put it, so it'll be nice to check out well-established law student blogs,
tom slade
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